351 : Awakening After 500 Years!! Oars Opens Hi...
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Even five hundred years after his death, Oars is known widely enough that high-ranking Marines like Tsuru and Doberman recognized his descendant, Little Oars Jr., on sight and were visibly intimidated by the similar power he displayed.[10]
Meanwhile, Luffy regroups with the rest of the crew away from the party after Jinbe insists that he wants to talk to him and explains that Akainu fought against Aokiji for the title of Fleet Admiral on a certain island. Akainu won the title and Aokiji left since he did not want to work under Akainu. He then explains the two changes that happened in the New World after two years: Akainu becoming fleet admiral and Marshall D. Teach taking all of Whitebeard's territories and claiming the title of Yonko alongside Shanks, Charlotte Linlin, and Kaido. Jinbe also tells of a rumour that Blackbeard is searching for the strongest Devil Fruits so he can extract their abilities and claim them for his own use. Luffy does not pay attention to Jinbe's announcements and instead asks Keimi where Shirahoshi is, to which she replies that she is in her room. 781b155fdc